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Econometrica Blog

Stay informed by our experts who offer their perspectives on research and new developments in their fields: health, housing and finance, and data intelligence. View our posts to learn what we can do for your organization.

October is LBGTQ+ History Month

Celebrate LGBTQ+ History by remembering and honoring those who marched in Washington in October 1979 and 1987. October is LGBTQ+ History Month in the United States. Encourage learning about LGBTQ+ to boost openness and remove the stigma of being LGBTQ+. To coincide with National Coming Out Day on...

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2022 alone, an estimated 287,500 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with one woman being diagnosed every two minutes. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a great opportunity to highlight the importance of preventive measures and treatments for breast cancer to raise the survival...

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World Heart Day

Today is World Heart Day. Each year about 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle can reduce your risk of CVD.  Join more than 90 countries in observing World Heart Day, celebrated on September 29. The annual event was...

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National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Established in 2002 by the Health Information Resource Center, National Women’s Health and Fitness Day promotes fitness and healthy living yearly among women of all ages. Women’s health and fitness has historically been marred by inconsistent science and pseudoscience, old wives’ tales, and...

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NCMA Woodlawn Lunch & Learn Conference

Econometrica attended the Lunch & Learn session held by National Contract Management Association (NCMA) Woodlawn Chapter at beautiful Martin’s West on September 20. The very successful session, headlined by Benjamin Simcock and Robert Burton, included discussion topics such as Office of...

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National Opioid Awareness Day

Addictive, strong, and inexpensive, opioids, which include opiates and fentanyl, helped cause nearly 841,000 deaths to drug overdoses between 1999 and 2020. While it is easy to dismiss opioid related deaths as another drug related lapse in judgement, opioid addiction can occur from legal,...

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Risk of Serious Flu Complications in the Elderly

Elderly populations, aged 65 and older, are at risk for developing serious flu complications when compared with healthy, young adults. Adults older than 65, adults with chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and children younger than 5 are at an increased risk in serious...

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September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

The most commonly inherited blood disorder continues to have difficulties in high quality treatment options for adults living with the disease. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), an intensely painful blood disorder caused by red blood cells having an abnormal, sickle shape, affects over 100,000 United...

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Econometrica Develops CDBG Toolkit for HUD

Econometrica has developed a complete toolkit that enables communities to conduct a local income survey that meets the guidelines developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for allocating Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. CDBG funds can be used to improve...

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