Today is World Heart Day. Each year about 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle can reduce your risk of CVD.
Join more than 90 countries in observing World Heart Day, celebrated on September 29. The annual event was established in 2000 to increase awareness of CVDs and their impact on the global population. All around the world, people can attend events and find resources to help deal with CVDs or support others suffering from CVDs.
Contrary to popular belief, CVD does not disproportionately impact those in developed countries. Although the sedentary lifestyle more common in technology-dependent societies may certainly increase CVD risk, middle- and low-income countries suffer the most CVD deaths. More than 17 million people die from CVD every year, caused mainly by coronary heart disease or stroke, and 80 percent of these deaths are in middle- or low-income countries. The cost of CVD treatment is high, and untreated CVD compounds issues due to loss of productivity and ability to work regularly.
The good news is that CVD can be prevented with modifiable factors. Lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, eating a better diet, and avoiding smoking can have an enormously beneficial effect on CVD. World Heart Day aims to provide this information to as many people as possible.
Look for events near you and join in!
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