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Broad Pragmatic Studies (Standing PFA) Applicant Town Hall PCORI Funding Announcement, Cycle 1 2024

Broad Pragmatic Studies (Standing PFA) Applicant Town Hall PCORI Funding Announcement, Cycle 1 2024

Call for Letters

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) held a town hall on January 24, 2024, to announce a call for letters of intent in PCORI’s “Broad Pragmatic Studies” program. The PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA) invites applications for high-quality comparative clinical effectiveness research projects. The purpose of the town hall was to provide an overview and information applicants may need to submit a responsive application and to address questions.

All applications must align the proposed research with at least one of the five National Priorities for Health described in the PFA. In addition, the applicant is encouraged to select one or more Topic Themes.

The Five National Priorities are:

  1. Increase evidence for existing interventions and emerging innovation in health.
  2. Enhance infrastructure to accelerate patient-centered outcomes research.
  3. Advance the science of dissemination, implementation, and health communication.
  4. Achieve health equity.
  5. Accelerate progress toward an integrated learning health system.

These priorities are discussed in detail in the webinar together with research examples.

Special Areas of Interest

Applicants are also encouraged, but not required, to submit research projects that address PCORI’s Special Areas of Emphasis (SAEs), which can fall under any of the five national priorities:

  • Long COVID
    Goals include testing the effectiveness of clinical interventions and health system strategies. Clinical outcomes must be included as part of the research.
  • Social Needs/Social Determinants of Health
    Examples include food insecurity, food as medicine, transportation, and housing security/stability. A plan for the sustainability of the intervention is required as well as measures of the impact of the intervention.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    The goal of this SAE is to compare treatment strategies for children, youth, Veterans, and civilian adults. Studies should compare interventions and enhance delivery of care outside of traditional mental health care settings.

Research designs of interest to PCORI include random control trials, well-designed observational studies, hybrid designs, and natural experiments.


Letter of Intent Deadline: February 6, 2024, by 5pm (ET)

Letter of Intent Status Notification: March 5, 2024

Application Deadline: May 7, 2024, by 5pm (ET)

Slides and the recorded presentation will be available shortly.

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