(301) 657-9883 info@econometricainc.com
Partnership Opportunities for Business Management Consultants

Partnership Opportunities for Business Management Consultants

The Right Partner

Partner with Econometrica

As a large business management consultant, your company may want a reliable small business partner to focus on a specialized industry sector. Alternatively, you may need a customized program for data analysis. It may be especially difficult to know where to start if you are a local government agency, nonprofit, or small business tasked with grant and policy obligations.

In our 25 years of helping organizations understand and manage policies and procedures, Econometrica has serviced more than 250 federal contracts. Our team features 90 data analysis experts and specialists in a wide range of industries, including:

    • Health
    • Housing
    • Communications
    • Finance
    • Homeland security
    • Maritime and water resources
    • Energy
    • Grants management

Econometrica’s Program Evaluation Informs Policy and Impacts Lives

Program evaluation is a powerful management and policy-making tool. It provides critical information beyond whether a program achieved its intended outcome, offering a deeper understanding of how and why the program works. This valuable insight is essential to enhancing results, avoiding unwanted consequences, and replicating the program in new places.

Program evaluation can also impact lives in important ways. It can help improve access to healthcare for culturally diverse groups; make healthcare surveys easier for seniors to complete; and enhance how the Federal Government administers emergency management funding.

To realize its potential, however, a program evaluation must be made to fit the situation. It must deploy measurement and analysis tailored to the unique on-the-ground features of both the program and its field of impact. The resulting information then needs to be intentionally woven into the program’s decision-making structure. Over decades of practice, Econometrica has developed an innovative mixed-methods approach to evaluation that ensures the relevance, quality, and utility of each of our evaluation efforts.

Econometrica is a qualified and experienced program evaluator for government agencies, businesses, and nonprofits. We offer qualitative and quantitative data analyses with expert review and consensus that are smartly packaged and clearly reported. The result is insight and action.

To interpret how and why programs succeed or fail, our mixed-methods approach combines five technical fields: mathematics, statistics, simulation, economic decision theory, and advanced communication processes. We interview a program’s stakeholders and participants, document the program as operated, gather defining data, analyze for findings and insight, and support effective user review and response. Our evaluation digs deeper and produces more, providing insight into how best to administer and adjust policies and programs to benefit the people and organizations affected by them.

Experts in Deep Program Evaluation: Why Choose Us?

From large federal contracts to individual grant assignments, leading organizations consistently turn to us to deliver high-quality program evaluations. As one notable example, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has named us an approved CMS contractor for the Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) 2. This indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract covers program monitoring and evaluation; data collection, analysis, and reporting; and system development and implementation.

Our clients consistently turn to us for their program evaluation needs because of the unique array of skills and experience we offer, which includes:

    • Innovative solutions for complex cases: We customize the quantitative and qualitative analysis in our mixed-methods evaluation to meet the needs of your organization.
    • Industry experience and technical capabilities: Our highly trained team understands the policies and objectives that are crucial to the federal, state, local, nonprofit, and private sectors.
    • Creative presentations: We deliver clear, concise, and complete reports that are easy to understand.
    • Access to experts: Our friendly, approachable experts provide feedback throughout the project.
    • Flexibility: We can conduct in-person program evaluation throughout the United States. We handle projects from large to small and adjust workflow to meet your project timeline.

Unique Challenges, Trusted Results in Many Settings

Program evaluation is not just about the numbers. Our comprehensive program evaluations are built to meet the depth and scale of each assignment so that when we evaluate a program, our client receives valuable feedback that can inform policy and affect lives.

Econometrica’s recent success stories show the scale, range, and diversity of our work:

    • Large-scale national programs: We evaluated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant programs that deliver more than $1.3 billion in annual funding across the United States, providing FEMA with new insights into program effectiveness and performance.
    • Rapid response to decision maker needs: Our support of the feasibility evaluation for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality supplied actionable recommendations to help the public accurately respond to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, providing policymakers with rich new data.
    • Innovative solutions to challenging measurement and analysis situations: While providing technical assistance to the Indian Health Service, we evaluated programs within the Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program, including developing a novel online reporting system to collect standardized data across multiple sites. Our evaluation insights helped ensure that American Indian and Alaska Native people have access to comprehensive, culturally acceptable, and personal injury prevention health services.

Need Program Evaluation? Contact Us.

Our experts are here to help you. For a quick, direct response, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty.

New HUD Reports Explore Recent AHS Data

New HUD Reports Explore Recent AHS Data

HUD Renters CoverPagesBETHESDA, MD – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released two new reports about the examining data provided by the American Housing Survey (AHS). The reports, prepared by Econometrica and SP Group, take a deep dive into several aspects of the AHS in recent years.

The AHS, sponsored by HUD and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, provides information on both the current state of housing inventory and the characteristics of its occupants. Econometrica has provided analytic support on the AHS under several contracts with HUD for nearly two decades.

The first report, The Usefulness of the GUTREHB Variable, evaluates the variable GUTREHB, which was added to the AHS in 2015, and identifies its utility and reliability. This variable sought to identify owner-occupied units that had undergone gut rehabilitation within the previous 10 years.

The authors identified three categories into which problems with the variable fall:

  1. Serious inconsistencies in responses undermine user confidence in the response to GUTREHB for a given unit in any specific survey.

  2. The analysis shows that units with positive responses to GUTREHB have higher renovation costs than those with negative responses to GUTREHB, but the observed costs still appear less than expected.

  3. The AHS collects data on several other variables associated with renovation, but the report found that the relationship between GUTREHB and these other variables is weaker than anticipated.

The second report, Characteristics of HUD-Assisted Renters and Their Units in 2019, uses data from a supplemental survey included in the 2019 AHS and administrative data matching to describe key features of both the rental housing assistance that HUD provided and the households that HUD served. The report analyzes how HUD-assisted rental stock has changed over previous three decades and examines the location of HUD-assisted housing, the quality of the units, and tenant satisfaction.

The report showed that HUD-assisted stock is in fairly good condition, with only 2.4 percent of units severely inadequate in 2017, about the same as unassisted units occupied by very low-income renters.

About Econometrica

Econometrica is a research and management organization committed to providing high-quality, cost-effective economic and analytical services for clients in the private and public sectors. Located in Bethesda, Maryland, Econometrica in particular specializes in housing, community development, and economic analysis.


Report Calls for National Eviction Database to Better Track Trends

House CutoutPolicymakers need reliable data to develop tools and strategies to effectively combat the nation’s eviction epidemic, according to a report exploring the prevalence and impact of evictions.

The report, which appeared in Evidence Matters in summer 2021, found that current eviction data are often incomplete, incorrect, or difficult to compare across geographic areas. Thus, the authors call for the development of a national eviction database.

“Building a national eviction database that aggregates standardized and reliable local data will significantly improve researchers’ ability to understand trends in eviction rates across time and space,” wrote Dana Goplerud and Craig Pollack, both of Johns Hopkins University.

The aim of the database would be to improve the ability to track and understand eviction trends, allowing policymakers to design more effective policies and tools to prevent eviction.

The authors recognize that many evictions happen outside of the court system; thus, they also explain how surveys at the national and local levels would capture information from renters about their experiences.

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

NHLP Releases Survey Showing Impact of the End of Eviction Moratorium

COVID EvictionsRising eviction cases, more illegal evictions and lockouts, and judges ignoring or inconsistently applying federal and state law are some of the problems a new survey identifies since the end of the federal eviction moratorium.

The survey, from the National Housing Law Project (NHLP), shows that courts and landlords continue to evict tenants despite receiving rental assistance funds and legal protections for tenants.

The findings show that 66 percent of respondents—consisting of legal aid and civil rights attorneys in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico—reported increasing eviction cases, and 40 percent reported rising cases of landlords lying in court to evict tenants. Approximately 86 percent of respondents reported landlords collecting rental assistance but proceeding with evictions or simply refusing to apply for funds.

NHLP lays out several recommendations, including:

  • Reform landlord–tenant law to provide basic due process to tenants.
  • Expand tenant access to justice by enacting right to counsel laws.
  • Fix rental assistance programs by requiring lease renewals, non-eviction pledges, and stays on cases until funds are disbursed.
  • Create eviction diversion programs focused on housing stability for tenants.
  • Invest in federal and other affordable housing through the Build Back Better Act.

For more information, visit https://www.nhlp.org/covid/survey.

Study Finds Landlords Are More Hesitant to Participate in ERA Programs

Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) programs face a lack of participation by landlords and tenants, according to a new study from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, The Housing Initiative at Penn, and NYU Furman Center, with greater refusal and unresponsiveness from landlords than from tenants.

The team conducted the survey of 247 ERA program administrators between September 9 and September 15. Findings from the survey included:

  • Tenant rarely refused to participate in ERA programs. Most (49 percent) ERA programs have never experienced tenants refusing to participate in ERA programs and 90 percent of programs never, very rarely, or rarely experience tenants refusing to participate
  • Program administrators indicated they experience greater refusal and unresponsiveness from landlords than from tenants.
  • Reasons program administrators give for tenants not participating include challenges with tenant engagement and the application process.
  • Reasons program administrators give for landlords refusing or not responding include landlords not wanting to share their W-9s and wanting to retain the ability to evict tenants for other reasons.

More information can be found here and here.