(301) 657-9883 info@econometricainc.com
Partnership Opportunities for Business Management Consultants

Partnership Opportunities for Business Management Consultants

The Right Partner

Partner with Econometrica

As a large business management consultant, your company may want a reliable small business partner to focus on a specialized industry sector. Alternatively, you may need a customized program for data analysis. It may be especially difficult to know where to start if you are a local government agency, nonprofit, or small business tasked with grant and policy obligations.

In our 25 years of helping organizations understand and manage policies and procedures, Econometrica has serviced more than 250 federal contracts. Our team features 90 data analysis experts and specialists in a wide range of industries, including:

    • Health
    • Housing
    • Communications
    • Finance
    • Homeland security
    • Maritime and water resources
    • Energy
    • Grants management

Econometrica’s Program Evaluation Informs Policy and Impacts Lives

Program evaluation is a powerful management and policy-making tool. It provides critical information beyond whether a program achieved its intended outcome, offering a deeper understanding of how and why the program works. This valuable insight is essential to enhancing results, avoiding unwanted consequences, and replicating the program in new places.

Program evaluation can also impact lives in important ways. It can help improve access to healthcare for culturally diverse groups; make healthcare surveys easier for seniors to complete; and enhance how the Federal Government administers emergency management funding.

To realize its potential, however, a program evaluation must be made to fit the situation. It must deploy measurement and analysis tailored to the unique on-the-ground features of both the program and its field of impact. The resulting information then needs to be intentionally woven into the program’s decision-making structure. Over decades of practice, Econometrica has developed an innovative mixed-methods approach to evaluation that ensures the relevance, quality, and utility of each of our evaluation efforts.

Econometrica is a qualified and experienced program evaluator for government agencies, businesses, and nonprofits. We offer qualitative and quantitative data analyses with expert review and consensus that are smartly packaged and clearly reported. The result is insight and action.

To interpret how and why programs succeed or fail, our mixed-methods approach combines five technical fields: mathematics, statistics, simulation, economic decision theory, and advanced communication processes. We interview a program’s stakeholders and participants, document the program as operated, gather defining data, analyze for findings and insight, and support effective user review and response. Our evaluation digs deeper and produces more, providing insight into how best to administer and adjust policies and programs to benefit the people and organizations affected by them.

Experts in Deep Program Evaluation: Why Choose Us?

From large federal contracts to individual grant assignments, leading organizations consistently turn to us to deliver high-quality program evaluations. As one notable example, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has named us an approved CMS contractor for the Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) 2. This indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract covers program monitoring and evaluation; data collection, analysis, and reporting; and system development and implementation.

Our clients consistently turn to us for their program evaluation needs because of the unique array of skills and experience we offer, which includes:

    • Innovative solutions for complex cases: We customize the quantitative and qualitative analysis in our mixed-methods evaluation to meet the needs of your organization.
    • Industry experience and technical capabilities: Our highly trained team understands the policies and objectives that are crucial to the federal, state, local, nonprofit, and private sectors.
    • Creative presentations: We deliver clear, concise, and complete reports that are easy to understand.
    • Access to experts: Our friendly, approachable experts provide feedback throughout the project.
    • Flexibility: We can conduct in-person program evaluation throughout the United States. We handle projects from large to small and adjust workflow to meet your project timeline.

Unique Challenges, Trusted Results in Many Settings

Program evaluation is not just about the numbers. Our comprehensive program evaluations are built to meet the depth and scale of each assignment so that when we evaluate a program, our client receives valuable feedback that can inform policy and affect lives.

Econometrica’s recent success stories show the scale, range, and diversity of our work:

    • Large-scale national programs: We evaluated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant programs that deliver more than $1.3 billion in annual funding across the United States, providing FEMA with new insights into program effectiveness and performance.
    • Rapid response to decision maker needs: Our support of the feasibility evaluation for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality supplied actionable recommendations to help the public accurately respond to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, providing policymakers with rich new data.
    • Innovative solutions to challenging measurement and analysis situations: While providing technical assistance to the Indian Health Service, we evaluated programs within the Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program, including developing a novel online reporting system to collect standardized data across multiple sites. Our evaluation insights helped ensure that American Indian and Alaska Native people have access to comprehensive, culturally acceptable, and personal injury prevention health services.

Need Program Evaluation? Contact Us.

Our experts are here to help you. For a quick, direct response, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty.

Econometrica Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation

Econometrica Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation

Econometrica's 25th Anniversary

Message From Our President/CEO

“It is hard to believe a quarter century has passed since we founded Econometrica in 1998. Back then, we had simple goals in mind: provide outstanding work for our clients while offering a supportive and friendly workplace where team members could learn and thrive. 

We have evolved over the last 25 years, yet we hold steadfast to those same guiding principles today. Our team has grown to more than 90 employees, representing diversity in culture, age, gender, and expertise. Many of our specialists come from posts in the upper echelons of business, government, and science. Through conscientious account of our services, we are able to pass that knowledge on to our clients. 

We strive to connect with one another in meaningful ways, such as mentorship and training opportunities designed to advance our employees’ technical capabilities. Helping everyone succeed and stay passionate about their work is a cornerstone of our company culture. 

Our clients are part of the Econometrica family, too. Regardless of project size or value, we provide them with meticulous research, creative solutions, and strategic recommendations delivered with personalized and attentive service. 

Econometrica is a dynamic business continuously changing and growing to meet the needs of our clients and employees. I am proud of the company we created together, and I am excited to see what we accomplish in the next 25 years.”

Cyrus Baghelai, President/CEO

Unlocking Insights: Data Analytics Experts Driving Actionable Solutions for Clients

Our methodological experts and programmers collaborate with subject matter experts and researchers across Econometrica to successfully perform a variety of analytical projects. Through these collaborations, we offer dozens of professionals with a variety of quantitative and qualitative skill sets, including statisticians, economists, data scientists, biostatisticians, visual analysts, and programmers. Our team specializes in quantitative design and implementation, sampling, developing innovative statistical and econometric models, and translating technical results into clear findings and actionable reporting. Our data analytics team is dedicated to undertaking a collaborative approach to analytics in all our work, and building high-quality and impactful products by combining the complementary expertise of our technical staff, subject matter experts, partners, and clients.

Empowering Health Solutions: Health Group Experts Leading Policy and Research Innovations

Econometrica’s Health Group consists of public and clinical health researchers, analysts, instructional designers, and economists who provide expertise in training, information diffusion, health research, quality measure development, monitoring, evaluation, technical assistance, and data analytics. Econometrica is a two-time Measure and Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract holder from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and a contractor on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Domain V contract vehicle. With healthcare and related industry trends constantly evolving, Econometrica’s experts use a variety of research and evaluation methods to provide innovative approaches for each client. In recent years, our team has developed tailored technical assistance plans for CMS. We have had more than 250,000 provider impacts based on trainings focused on understanding and complying with the IMPACT Act on the Post-Acute Care Training contracts, and we have had three quality measures endorsed by the National Quality Forum under our Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly contract.

Transforming Communities: Housing and Finance Group’s Expertise in Financial Solutions and Community Development

Key service areas include technical assistance and training, policy and program analysis, statistical surveys and research, market and feasibility analysis, and knowledge management. Our staff and business associates comprise a diverse mix of personnel, including former government employees with decades of experience in housing and community development programs, academic researchers from distinguished universities, and highly skilled housing professionals with hands-on experience in housing management, finance, grants monitoring, and other types of support. We are dedicated to supporting our clients in their diverse missions to expand and improve affordable housing, promote homeownership opportunities, stimulate community transformation, assist with disaster recovery, comply with reporting requirements, and enhance their performance. Since 2011, Econometrica has been providing technical assistance through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) OneCPD/Community Compass initiative, which has convened a community of technical assistance providers to serve the Office of Public and Indian Housing, Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD), and other HUD programs and customers. Through OneCPD/Community Compass, Econometrica has provided a variety of services, with a focus on housing, community development, economic development, and neighborhood stabilization.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Efforts to End Hunger and Reduce Diet-Related Disease in U.S.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Efforts to End Hunger and Reduce Diet-Related Disease in U.S.

In September, the Biden-Harris Administration released an $8 billion plan to confront the food insecurity and diet-related diseases afflicting many Americans—particularly among underserved communities like the elderly, the LGBTQ+ community, military families and veterans, communities of color, and rural areas.

Announced during the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, the Administration’s strategy to combat these health issues includes both private- and public-sector efforts organized around five guiding pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Ensuring that everyone—including urban, suburban, rural, and Tribal communities and territories—has access to and can afford food. The administration will tackle hunger and food availability through various laws, credits, and strategies to end hunger by improving jobs recovery, lowering child poverty rates, reducing healthcare costs, and more.
  • Pillar 2: Integrating nutrition and health. The administration plans to include nutrition and food security when measuring overall health, including disease prevention and management, and to ensure that the needs of all people are addressed through the healthcare system.
  • Pillar 3: Creating an environment where all people can make informed, healthy food choices; have access to healthy food; and are encouraged in their schools or workplace to lead healthier lives. Educational campaigns will be developed to resonate with specific communities in a culturally appropriate way.
  • Pillar 4: Making physical activity easily accessible to all by increasing awareness of the benefits of physical activity and making safe places so that everyone can be physically active.
  • Pillar 5: Improving the research associated with nutrition and food security, with a focus on improving nutrition metrics, data collection, and research to help shape nutrition and food security policy, particularly around issues of equity, access, and disparities.

The Biden-Harris Administration is dedicated to ending hunger, improving nutrition, and promoting physical activity in the United States. You can read more about the Administration’s efforts in an online fact sheet:


Hunger Nutrition Health FB LI scaled
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Sickle Cell Awareness Month

The most commonly inherited blood disorder continues to have difficulties in high quality treatment options for adults living with the disease. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), an intensely painful blood disorder caused by red blood cells having an abnormal, sickle shape, affects over 100,000 United States citizens of all ethnicities but disproportionately affects Black and Hispanic populations, occurring, alarmingly, in 1 in every 365 Black or African American births and 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic births.

Signs and Symptoms

SCD causes the body to create abnormally shaped red blood cells in the form of a “C” or sickle. These cells disrupt the normal flow of red blood cells in blood vessels, causing extreme, acute, and chronic pain episodes and failing to transfer oxygen to body tissues. Signs and symptoms of the disease include:

  • Pain Episodes or Crisis
  • Hand-Foot Syndrome
  • Acute Chest Syndrome
  • Infection
  • Eye Disease
  • Stroke

SCD can affect any ethnic group, but Black and Hispanic populations in the US are most heavily affected by the disease. An estimated 1 in every 13 black and African American births suffer from Sickle Cell Trait, abetting it in being the most commonly inherited disease.

Due to SCD having varying treatment options, only 25% of patients receive a standard of care recommended by current guidelines. Studies indicate patients of SCD, compared to other patients, do not receive adequate treatment for pain, or in appropriate doses.

September is National Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month – a great opportunity to spread awareness of the disease, its insufficient treatments, and minority communities being affected in much higher numbers.

Additional resources, including a new video on SCD by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health, are available:

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

Overweight and Obesity

Overweight and Obesity

Overweight and Obesity

Obesity plays a significant role in health and healthcare, with studies showing that obesity increases a person’s chances of chronic disease, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Studies have also shown that African American men and women have the highest rates of obesity among U.S. racial/ethnic groups.

When taking a holistic view of health equity, though, it is important to look at the root causes of an issue, as well as the fruits that are produced. For example, African Americans often have less access to healthy food than their counterparts in other racial/ethnic groups. In particular, neighborhoods that are considered “food deserts,” or areas with little to no healthy food options, are disproportionately likely to have large African American and Hispanic populations.

From a health equity standpoint, therefore, addressing obesity and its health risks requires that we also address issues like food access by providing Black and Hispanic communities with affordable, accessible, and healthy food options. Because advancing health equity is not just a matter of treating the “sickness,” but also treating the underlying factors that produced it.

To learn more, visit the following resource:

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.