We value intellectual curiosity and problem-solving skills and collaborate on diverse projects across various markets and subjects, always dedicated to providing the highest quality service.
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State Data Resource Center (SDRC)

Client: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Services: Qualitative Research, Data & Statistical Analysis, Learning Solutions
Key Work Areas: Literature Review, Operations Research, Outreach to Program Participants, Survey Design and Data Collection, Data Visualization, Economic Modeling, Geospatial Support, Programming Languages, Regulatory and Policy Analysis, Risk Analysis, Graphic Design/Production, Web-Based Training and e-Learning Development, Webinar Facilitation and Support
Econometrica provided the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) with technical assistance to support State Medicaid agencies in integrating care for individuals who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid (i.e., dually eligible beneficiaries). Econometrica coordinated the delivery of Medicare data to States, provided technical advice, and helped States optimize the use of available data for care coordination, quality improvement, and program integrity. States’ care coordination efforts targeted the coordination of benefits between Medicare and Medicaid and included patient-level analyses; State program integrity efforts analyzed and aimed to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse within the State Medicaid system.
Economic Analysis Consulting Services