We value intellectual curiosity and problem-solving skills and collaborate on diverse projects across various markets and subjects, always dedicated to providing the highest quality service.
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Competitive Bidding Surveys

Client: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Services: Qualitative Research, Data & Statistical Analysis
Key Work Areas: Environomental Scans, Focus Groups, Literature Review, Office of Management and Budget Clearance Support, Outreach to Program Participants, Survey Design and Data Collection, Survey Research, Technical Expert Panels, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Data Scrubbing, Data Visualization, Econometrics, Economic Impact Analysis, Geospatial Support, Programming Languages, Regulatory and Policy Analysis
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with Econometrica to develop and conduct surveys to learn more about the experience and satisfaction of beneficiaries and referral agents with the equipment, supplies, and services received from Competitive Bidding Program suppliers vs. noncompetitive bidding suppliers. Additionally, we will develop and conduct surveys to gain knowledge about the contract suppliers’ services, as well as their interactions with beneficiaries and referral agents.
Economic Analysis Consulting Services