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Measuring the Benefits of FEMA Preparedness Grants

Client: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Services: Data and Statistical Analysis
Key Work Areas: Program Evaluation, Descriptive Analysis, Econometrics, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis, Statistical Programming, Regression Analysis, Net Benefit Analysis, Analytical Briefings
Econometrica is working to design and implement an evaluation to measure the impact of the Homeland Security Grant Program, with specific focus on National Preparedness Assessment Division (NPAD) grants. Through this work, our program evaluation experts are assisting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in expanding their understanding of the extent to which disaster preparedness grant funding makes an impact on readiness and capabilities at the local level. By developing econometric and statistical models, we aim to assist FEMA in building an evidence base for the effectiveness of their grant programs with quantitative estimates of the impacts of their funding.
Economic Analysis Consulting Services