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Congratulations to Doug Schuweiler for receiving the Award for Excellence from the SBA-OIG!

Congratulations to Doug Schuweiler for receiving the Award for Excellence from the SBA-OIG!

Congratulations, Award for Excellence

We are ecstatic to announce Econometrica’s own Doug Schuweiler has won an Award for Excellence from the Small Business Administration Office of Inspector General (SBA-OIG).

The Award for Excellence is an annual award recognizing exceptional performance among OIG’s diverse, high-performing, and outcome-driven workforce.

Doug received the award for his work helping to increase the rate of hotline complaint closure by over 400% and climbing. He built a machine learning topic model to filter complaints based on subject. His model helped to address the massive increase in pandemic-related hotline complaints by cutting complaint processing time in half, increasing automation in the hotline review process, and helping the hotline team focus on the most pressing complaints needing immediate attention.

Please join us in congratulating Doug Schuweiler for receiving this great award and commending him on his innovative solution and technical excellence.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breat Cancer Awareness Month

In 2022 alone, an estimated 287,500 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with one woman being diagnosed every two minutes. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a great opportunity to highlight the importance of preventive measures and treatments for breast cancer to raise the survival rate of the disease.

Although strides in modern medicine have helped reduce deaths from breast cancer exponentially, numbers since 2020 remind us of the urgent work still needed to fight and spread awareness of the disease.

When breast cancer is diagnosed at the localized stage (i.e., the cancer has not spread outside the breast), the survival rate is 99 percent. However, only 65 percent of women are diagnosed at the local stage. Although it is one of the most common cancers in the world today, with about one in eight women getting the disease at some point in their lives, many women around the globe are not educated about mammograms or self-examinations to help diagnose the disease early.

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, help raise awareness of this largely preventable disease by talking confidently about breast cancer, removing any stigma associated with speaking about breast health, and informing and educating those near you about preventable measures to ensure early diagnosis.

For more important information about Breast Cancer Awareness, please visit:

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

World Heart Day

World Heart Day

World Heart Day 2023

Today is World Heart Day. Each year about 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle can reduce your risk of CVD. 

Join more than 90 countries in observing World Heart Day, celebrated on September 29. The annual event was established in 2000 to increase awareness of CVDs and their impact on the global population. All around the world, people can attend events and find resources to help deal with CVDs or support others suffering from CVDs.

Contrary to popular belief, CVD does not disproportionately impact those in developed countries. Although the sedentary lifestyle more common in technology-dependent societies may certainly increase CVD risk, middle- and low-income countries suffer the most CVD deaths. More than 17 million people die from CVD every year, caused mainly by coronary heart disease or stroke, and 80 percent of these deaths are in middle- or low-income countries. The cost of CVD treatment is high, and untreated CVD compounds issues due to loss of productivity and ability to work regularly.

The good news is that CVD can be prevented with modifiable factors. Lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, eating a better diet, and avoiding smoking can have an enormously beneficial effect on CVD. World Heart Day aims to provide this information to as many people as possible.

Look for events near you and join in!

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

National Women's Health & Fitness Day

Established in 2002 by the Health Information Resource Center, National Women’s Health and Fitness Day promotes fitness and healthy living yearly among women of all ages.

Women’s health and fitness has historically been marred by inconsistent science and pseudoscience, old wives’ tales, and conjecture and has even been taboo in certain cultures and societies. An early example of this is the insistence on wearing corsets for femininity between the 1500s and the 1900s. We now know how damaging that fashion trend was and hardly any woman wears one today.

Modern health developments have helped shift perceptions on women’s fitness. Long feared to cause unwanted masculine features in women, weightlifting is now encouraged for women. Gone are the days of our grandmothers exercising only at home to hide their sweat from the public eye. No longer are women allowed only in women-only gyms called reducing salons.

In the United States, one in four deaths among women is caused by heart disease. On National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, it is important to spread awareness of programs such as the WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation) program. Programs such as WISEWOMAN help women ages 40–64 learn how to lead heart-healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease and stroke. WISEWOMAN is administered through the CDC for low-income, uninsured, or underinsured women.

Find out more about National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, WISEWOMAN, and other health information for women:

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

NCMA Woodlawn Lunch & Learn Conference

NCMA Woodlawn Lunch & Learn Conference

NCMA Conference Lunch and Learn

Econometrica attended the Lunch & Learn session held by National Contract Management Association (NCMA) Woodlawn Chapter at beautiful Martin’s West on September 20. The very successful session, headlined by Benjamin Simcock and Robert Burton, included discussion topics such as Office of Acquisition and Grants Management (OAGM) accomplishments in the phased proposal evaluation approach now used in the IT field, current Administration acquisition priorities, the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), and acquisition-related executive orders and policies and their impact on the federal contractor community.

There was great news to go around. OAGM is looking to focus on strategic hiring practices that will increase spending for small, disadvantaged businesses by 15 percent by 2025. For IT contracts, there will be a focus on normalization in solicitations, language, and evaluation criteria. We were encouraged to hear that Centers for Medicare & Medicaid listened to contractors’ concerns at industry day. We also enjoyed learning of President Biden’s PMA. Hearing that the agenda would be a new roadmap for ensuring an equitable, effective, and accountable federal government was reassuring. Biden’s PMA has three priorities:

  • Strengthening and empowering the federal workforce.
  • Delivering excellent, equitable, secure federal services and customer experience.
  • Managing the business of government to build back better (i.e., advancing equity through procurement).

“We commend NCMA for a great learning session. There were many encouraging revelations, and we are eager to attend the next Lunch & Learn. We would also like to give a special thank you to Anita Allen, a true champion for small businesses – thank you for all you do! Thank you to NCMA for a wonderful event!” — Omeed Baghelai

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

National Opioid Awareness Day

National Opioid Awareness Day

National Opioid Awareness Day

Addictive, strong, and inexpensive, opioids, which include opiates and fentanyl, helped cause nearly 841,000 deaths to drug overdoses between 1999 and 2020. While it is easy to dismiss opioid related deaths as another drug related lapse in judgement, opioid addiction can occur from legal, prescribed medication. National Opioid Awareness Day hopes to highlight the dangers of opioids and remove the associated stigma of opioid addiction and opioid overdoses.

Opioids are a highly addictive substance. Medical use of opioids is often left as a final resort due to the addictive nature of such medication and typically only used in the absence of safer alternatives. The opioid epidemic in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is due to the overuse of opioid medications both through medical prescriptions and illegal sources.

Between 1999 and 2020, it is believed that 500,000 drug overdose deaths were caused by opioids. In 2017, 47,600 opioid related deaths were recorded and according to a report from 2017, it is estimated that 130 people in the U.S. die every day from opioid-related drug overdose.

The history of opioids and opioid-related drug overdoses is complicated and often intermingled with legal and legitimate prescription opioid medication addiction. It is important to acknowledge the dangers of such addictions and remove the stigma associated with opioids. September 21 is National Opioid Awareness Day – a perfect time to help in correcting misunderstandings about opioid addiction and opioid-related drug overdoses.

For more important information on opioid addiction, overdose, and National Opioid Awareness Day, please visit:

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.