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Econometrica, Inc., Supports Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services School-Based Services Technical Assistance Center for States in New 2024-2025 Webinar Series

Econometrica, Inc., Supports Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services School-Based Services Technical Assistance Center for States in New 2024-2025 Webinar Series

School-Based Services

Fifty-six million children and youth spend more than a quarter of their day at school in the United States. With today’s youth facing a changing and growing number of health challenges, especially around mental health, the ability of schools to help positively shape the social, physical, and mental growth of their students is vital. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted and exacerbated many of these challenges, particularly the youth mental health crisis, which existed before COVID-19 but was worsened by the social isolation and other factors associated with the pandemic.

To support youth health, Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which directed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to undertake a joint initiative to promote Medicaid School-Based Services (SBS) through a Medicaid SBS Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Econometrica, Inc., was selected as the prime contractor to support this TAC. Econometrica is supported by Mathematica Policy Research, Westat, and the National Center for School Mental Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

The TAC is charged with supporting the delivery of these services; improving and strengthening access to physical and behavioral health services for students; reducing the Federal administrative burden for States and localities; and reducing barriers to the provision of school-based physical and behavioral health services. To carry out this work, the TAC assists and expands the capacity of State Medicaid agencies (SMAs), State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and school-based entities to expand their SBS offerings as a way to increase crucial healthcare access for children enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as well as to meet Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) requirements.

Now in its second year, the TAC is planning a new series of national webinars and virtual events for 2024 and 2025. This series currently includes:

    • September 19, 2024: Reviewing a Year of Progress in Medicaid SBS
    • November 14, 2024: Medicaid and CHIP Funding for School Preventive Behavioral Health Services
    • January 16, 2025: Implementing Mental Health Initiatives in Schools
    • February 13, 2025: Best Practices for Billing and Documentation for Common Medicaid SBS
    • March 20, 2025: Unique Needs of Frontier/Remote/Rural Communities and LEAs in School-Based Health
    • May 8, 2025: Children with Complex Health Care Needs (CCHCN) and Medicaid SBS

Anyone can register to attend these webinars. Please contact SchoolBasedServices@cms.hhs.gov to be added to the distribution list for registration information. In addition, SMAs and SEAs will be invited to attend working discussions to support their State initiatives around Medicaid SBS. More information about Medicaid SBS and the TAC can be found here.

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica is a small business research and management consulting organization based in the greater Washington, DC, metropolitan area that is committed to improving the human condition by providing high-quality, cost-effective analytics and support that enables our clients to solve the challenges of today’s world. We collaborate with Federal agencies, State and local governments, philanthropic and nonprofit clients, and private-sector partners in the public health, healthcare, data analytics, housing, and finance sectors. Econometrica started as an organization focused on econometric analysis and now has more than 26 years of proven excellence in consulting, with staff across the United States. To work with us on your next project, visit us online or email us at Info@EconometricaInc.com. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page. Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram.

Impacts on the Energy Sector Due to the End of the Chevron Doctrine

Impacts on the Energy Sector Due to the End of the Chevron Doctrine

Chevron Doctrine

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn the 1984 Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council precedent has sent shockwaves through the world of Federal rulemaking. While the Court expressly stated that it is not overturning previously decided cases that directly applied Chevron, the ruling will nevertheless greatly curtail the longstanding practice of judicial deference to Federal agencies when interpreting ambiguous statutes, marking a shift toward more rigorous judicial scrutiny.

With the Chevron doctrine now overturned, courts are expected to exercise greater independent judgment in evaluating agency decisions. This new approach will compel Congress to draft legislation with greater precision and require Federal agencies to be more transparent and thorough in their rulemaking processes. The consequences of this ruling will be widespread, with particularly acute effects on the energy sector. Areas subject to recent Federal rulemaking, such as greenhouse gas emissions, emerging technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS), and regional electric transmission planning for renewable energy, may face increased legal challenges in the coming years.

A key early test of this shift will be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) April 2024 regulation on emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Although the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) grants the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases, it is ambiguous regarding the specifics of how it should regulate the air pollutant. The new requirement for coal and gas plants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent by 2032 and the perceived favoring of cleaner energy sources inherent in such a goal may be particularly vulnerable to legal challenges like the ones issued on July 19, 2024, from West Virginia and 26 other States.

Another area ripe for future scrutiny involves the application of existing legislation, such as the 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA), to emerging technologies. For instance, under the power plant emissions ruling, the EPA invokes Section 111 of the CAA, requiring coal plants to reduce their pollution by the “best system” available that is “adequately demonstrated.” While the EPA determined that the standards achieved under carbon capture would constitute the “best system,” it is uncertain whether a post-Chevron court will agree that this technology is “adequately demonstrated” given that there is only one commercial-scale carbon capture storage project operational in the world.

Similarly, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) May 2024 ruling Order No.1920, which sets a 20-year planning horizon for regional electrical transmission expansion to support renewable energy, faces legal uncertainty. This uncertainty arises from the conflict between Federal- and State-level public policy goals on energy generation and climate change inherent in inter-State transmission investments. Given that FERC’s Order No. 1920 is grounded in a 2014 appellate ruling that invoked Chevron, the end of this deference has already prompted several lawsuits from State regulators and environmental groups.

In this new legal landscape, future Federal rulemaking will face a higher burden of proof for ambiguous statutes, demanding enhanced technical rigor and economic justification from both Congress and Federal agencies to withstand judicial scrutiny. With more than 25 years of experience in government consulting and a team of experts in economics, data science, and policy, Econometrica, Inc., is well-positioned to guide stakeholders through these evolving regulatory challenges in the Federal rulemaking process.

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica is a small business research and management consulting organization based in the greater Washington, DC, metropolitan area that is committed to improving the human condition by providing high-quality, cost-effective analytics and support that enables our clients to solve the challenges of today’s world. We collaborate with Federal agencies, State and local governments, philanthropic and nonprofit clients, and private-sector partners in the public health, healthcare, data analytics, housing, and finance sectors. Econometrica started as an organization focused on econometric analysis and now has more than 26 years of proven excellence in consulting, with staff across the United States. To work with us on your next project, visit us online or email us at Info@EconometricaInc.com. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page. Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram.

Calling on Healthcare Providers for Their Input

Calling on Healthcare Providers for Their Input

Calling on Healthcare Providers

Seeking insights from healthcare providers! Econometrica invites you to share your experiences with Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) to help us improve patient care across diverse communities.

Healthcare Providers who have Experience with Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Exciting Opportunity!

Econometrica is conducting interviews to learn more about health professionals’ experiences with Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT). We want to learn how you use NEMT to improve your patients’ experiences, what metrics you track, and general information about your experiences with NEMT.

We need your input! We’d like to interview folks in many groups: physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, NEMT administrators. We are looking for people and systems serving vulnerable populations, all regions in the US, and rural and urban settings. Your feedback is invaluable.

If you are available for an interview, please reach out to Jennifer Stoloff at JStoloff@econometricainc.com to schedule a time.

Thank you for your support and participation!

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

Econometrica Selected by AHRQ to Support PBRN Initiative

Econometrica Selected by AHRQ to Support PBRN Initiative

Econometrica Selected by AHRQ to Support PBRM Initiative

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has awarded Econometrica a $1.2 million contract to support Primary Care Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs), an initiative led by AHRQ’s National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research (NCEPCR). The Econometrica team, which includes Mathematica, will support AHRQ to develop and hold technical expert panel meetings to identify areas of need for PBRNs, update and automate the PBRN registry, develop and deliver webinars, and write a report and manuscript to summarize PBRN research and resources.

About PBRN and AHRQ

PBRNs draw upon the experience and insight of practicing clinicians to identity and frame research questions whose answers can improve the practice of primary care, producing research findings that are immediately relevant to the clinicians and, in theory, more easily assimilated into everyday practice. This contract supports AHRQ’s PBRN initiative that was initially developed in 2010 to improve the health of all Americans and encourage clinicians’ engagement in quality improvement activities.

For more information: https://www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/communities/pbrn/index.html

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

Econometrica partners with the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA): Health Equity Self-Assessment Tool

Econometrica partners with the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA): Health Equity Self-Assessment Tool

Health equity tool graphic PNCA

Econometrica partners with the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA) in developing and deploying a Health Equity Self-Assessment Tool that will help healthcare providers identify areas of improvement in their own practice regarding health equity and refer them to pertinent resources. To launch this initiative, the PCNA and Econometrica team hosted a focus group with cardiovascular healthcare professionals to better understand their needs, barriers, and areas of improvements related to health equity.

The Health Equity Self-Assessment Tool will be implemented at PCNA’s 2024 Health Equity Summit.

About Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association

The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association is the leading nursing organization dedicated to preventing and managing cardiovascular disease. The current state of health care demands that nurses and advanced practice nurses play a leading role in identifying and implementing cardiovascular risk reduction strategies. PCNA is committed to supporting nurses so they may successfully rise to this challenge.

Learn more at https://pcna.net.

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.

Monitoring the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Data to Action Course

Monitoring the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Data to Action Course

Data to Action graphic

Econometrica built a web-based e-learning course for CDC Foundation’s Monitoring the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Data to Action course. This e-learning course supports CDC Foundation’s goal of helping countries understand how to use data to combat the tobacco epidemic. The course was translated from English to Spanish, Russian, French, and Mandarin Chinese. Econometrica and CDC Foundation worked collaboratively to develop the e-learning course and ensure that it is accessible, interactive, and engaging.

Additionally, the Econometrica Team created short, animated videos using Animaker, Camtasia, and Headliner for inclusion within the course.

The CDC Foundation’s Monitoring the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Data to Action course is available at: https://www.gtssacademy.org/learning/.

About the CDC Foundation

The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit and sole entity created by Congress to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) critical health protection work. The CDC Foundation forges effective partnerships between CDC and corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals to fight threats to health and safety. Learn more at www.cdcfoundation.org.

Work With Us, Work for Us

Econometrica specializes in research and management across numerous industries in both the public and private sectors. We are always looking to hire the best and brightest in data science, health, grants management, energy, homeland security, housing and community development, capital markets and finance, and transportation. We work as the lead service provider, and also as a capable outsource partner to other consultancies. To work with us on your next project, visit us online and email a member of our executive staff in your preferred specialty. To explore the benefits of working for us, visit our careers page.